Bruties say no to fruit racism. It’s a brand of fruits and vegetables that packs and promotes the greens that is usually tossed due to the irregular shape or appearance. Bruties aim to rise awareness to the consumers that all fruits are created equal and beauty comes from within. We designed a proposal for the logotype, cucumbers and grapes packagings, with illustrations of fruits and vegetables protesting against fruit racism. We created some sticker packs to be given in supermarket promotions, so the consumer could customise his/her veggies and fruits, make em look funny and give a bit more life to them. We thought that the juice of the bruties, tastes as great as regular looking fruits so we designed a juice cap to give out juice made of Bruties as a supermarket promotion. Unfortunately, that’s a rejected proposal but we had so much fun working on we had to share it with you! Hope you like it, too!
Photos by Nestoras Kechagias